Patents for Jones & Lamson Machine Co. |
Patents 136 -
of 178
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,506,498 | May 02, 1950 | L.B. Fuller | Specimen Holder for Comparators | comparators |
2,515,710 | Jul. 18, 1950 | M.P. Holmes | Gear-shifting Mechanism | metalworking speed changing mechanisms |
2,521,820 | Sep. 12, 1950 | L.B. Fuller, R.O. Beardsley | Optical Comparator for Testing Cams | comparators |
2,525,596 | Oct. 10, 1950 | R.R. Finn | Optical Projection Screen | comparators |
2,540,774 | Feb. 06, 1951 | R.O. Beardsley | Holding Fixture | jigs and fixtures |
2,554,699 | May 29, 1951 | R.M. Gamble | Gripper Transfer Device | workpiece changers and storage mechanisms |
2,558,078 | Jun. 26, 1951 | L.B. Fuller | Comparator for Typewriting Machine Type | comparators |
2,562,266 | Jul. 31, 1951 | R.M. Gamble | Turret Lathe | turret lathes |
2,562,284 | Jul. 31, 1951 | W.L. Tancred | Tracer Mechanism | metalworking machine mechanisms |
2,570,647 | Oct. 09, 1951 | G.A. Cormier | Power Cylinder and Piston With Leakage Control | hydraulic apparatus |
2,570,660 | Oct. 09, 1951 | R.M. Gamble | Transfer Mechanism | workpiece changers and storage mechanisms |
2,575,984 | Nov. 20, 1951 | W.L. Tancred | Grinding Wheel Truing Mechanism | grinder dressers |
2,578,531 | Dec. 11, 1951 | C.H. Drury, E.V. Flanders | Machine for Grinding Impeller Bucket Shanks | profile and contour grinders |
2,580,239 | Dec. 25, 1951 | R.O. Beardsley, L.B. Fuller, H.L. Murch | Comparator for Tracing Contours of Solid Objects | comparators |
2,592,920 | Apr. 15, 1952 | R.M. Gamble, J.E. Lovely | Lathe | automatic lathes |