Patents for J. A. Fay & Co. |
Patents 1 -
of 142
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
5,315X | Dec. 27, 1828 | W. Woodworth | Planer-matcher | wood planers |
7,484X | Mar. 13, 1833 | G. Page | Mortising machine | mortising machines |
7,714X | Aug. 14, 1833 | G. Page | Cutting and clearing chisel | mortise chisels |
8,957X | Jul. 07, 1835 | G. Page | Improved cutting and clearing chisel | mortise chisels |
80 | Nov. 15, 1836 | W. Woodworth | Machine for reducing and planing boards for flooring, ceilings, etc. | wood planers |
2,425 | Jan. 17, 1842 | J.A. Fay | Machine for mortising timber | mortising machines |
RE71 | Jul. 08, 1845 | W. Woodworth | Woodworth planer | wood planers |
11,253 | Jul. 11, 1854 | J.B. Smith | Machine for mortising sash-stiles | mortising machines |
14,564 | Apr. 01, 1856 | E. Joslin | Improved mortising-machine | mortising machines |
16,534 | Feb. 03, 1857 | S.C. Ellis | Machine for cutting tenons on blind slats | tenoning machines |
18,080 | Sep. 01, 1857 | B. Boardman | Machine for wiring blind-rods | windowblind machines |
20,995 | Jul. 27, 1858 | W.H. Doane, C. Mason | Reciprocating saw for siding | reciprocating saws |
32,904 | Jul. 23, 1861 | H.D. Stover | Planing-machine | wood planers |
34,353 | Feb. 11, 1862 | W.H. Doane | Improvement in bed-plates for stave-machines | cooper |
34,566 | Mar. 04, 1862 | W.H. Doane | Machine for cutting veneers | veneer machines |