Patents for Giddings & Lewis Machine Tool Co. |
Patents 181 -
of 187
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
3,546,570 | Dec. 08, 1970 | T.B. Bullock | Method for Driving Controlled Currents Through the Stator Windings of a Position Measuring Transformer | transformers |
3,600,692 | Aug. 17, 1971 | J.K. McGee | Phase Comparator Providing DC Output as a Function of Variable Phase Between Two Inputs | electronic circuitry and apparatus |
3,648,244 | Mar. 07, 1972 | J.K. McGee | Readout System for Selective Display of Digital Data on Time Shared Conductors | computer apparatus and systems |
4,041,287 | Aug. 09, 1977 | J.P. Conners, N.C. Kolell | Final Servo Control in NC Systems | electronic circuitry and apparatus |
4,167,808 | Sep. 18, 1979 | R.D. Moriarty | Harness for Electromagnetic Transducer | metalworking machine mechanisms |
4,182,979 | Jan. 08, 1980 | W.P. Jezo, R.L. Douglas | D. C. Electric Torquing System | electronic circuitry and apparatus |
5,086,910 | Feb. 11, 1992 | P.D. Terpstra | Zone Controlled Conveyance System | workpiece changers and storage mechanisms |