Patents for E. C. Atkins & Co. |
Patents 1 -
of 103
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
9,807 | Jun. 21, 1853 | J.H. Tuttle | Saw | sawblades |
14,305 | Feb. 26, 1856 | N.T. Coffin | Mill-saw | sawblades |
65,598 | Jun. 11, 1867 | E.S. Piper | Improvement in hardening saws | tool making machines |
150,431 | May 05, 1874 | R.E. Poindexter | Improvement in Saw Jointers and Gages | saw gauges |
156,967 | Nov. 17, 1874 | E.C. Atkins | Improvement in Saw Gages | saw gauges |
164,762 | Jun. 22, 1875 | R.E. Poindexter | Improvement in Saw Jointers and Gages | saw gauges |
171,337 | Dec. 21, 1875 | E.C. Atkins | Improvement in Crosscut Saw Handles | crosscut saw handles |
178,985 | Jun. 20, 1876 | E.C. Atkins | Improvement in Saw Frames | frame saws |
204,369 | May 28, 1878 | R.E. Poindexter | Improvement in saws | handsaw teeth |
246,414 | Aug. 30, 1881 | R.E. Poindexter | Saw Jointer and Gage | saw gauges |
257,831 | May 09, 1882 | R.E. Poindexter | Device for dressing saw-teeth | saw jointers |
272,734 | Feb. 20, 1883 | T.A. McDonald | Gage for rip-saws | tablesaw accessories |
287,124 | Oct. 23, 1883 | J.H. Hamlet | Saw-table gage | tablesaw accessories |
291,224 | Jan. 01, 1884 | R.E. Poindexter | Saw-set | saw sets |
309,875 | Dec. 30, 1884 | R.E. Poindexter | Device for setting and shaping saw-teeth | saw sets |