Patents for Putnam Machine Co. |
Patents 1 -
of 15
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
15,309 | Jul. 08, 1856 | J. Tyler | Improved water-wheel | turbine water wheels |
35,853 | Jul. 08, 1862 | C. Burleigh | Friction Clutch | industrial machine clutches |
39,326 | Jul. 21, 1863 | S.W. Putnam, J.Q. Wright | Improvement in lathes | metal lathes |
57,046 | Aug. 07, 1866 | S.W. Putnam | Improvement in sawing-machines | tablesaws |
61,141 | Jan. 15, 1867 | L.D. Bartlett | Improvement in valves of steam engines | steam engines |
70,862 | Nov. 12, 1867 | J. Kirkley | Improved nut-tapping machines | nut or bolt making machines |
115,451 | May 30, 1871 | J.N. Durrell | Improvement in machines for tapping nuts | nut or bolt making machines |
142,511 | Sep. 02, 1873 | S.W. Putnam, Jr. | Improvement in machines for tapping nuts | nut or bolt making machines |
172,306 | Jan. 18, 1876 | W. Esty | Planer-Chucks | metal planer accessories |
177,884 | May 23, 1876 | S.W. Putnam, Jr. | Improvement in metal-turning lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
192,129 | Jun. 19, 1877 | S.W. Putnam | Improvement in metal-working lathes | metal lathes |
313,447 | Mar. 03, 1885 | S.W. Putnam | Lathe | engine lathes |
336,065 | Feb. 09, 1886 | S.W. Putnam | Metal Planing Machine | metal shapers |
525,863 | Sep. 11, 1894 | S.W. Putnam | Metal Turning Lathe | engine lathes |
638,274 | Dec. 05, 1899 | S.W. Putnam, S.W. Putnam, Jr. | Metal-working machine | metal shapers |