Patents for A. W. Gray's Sons |
Patents 1 -
of 13
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
2,833 | Oct. 26, 1842 | A.W. Gray | Endless-chain horse-power | animal powered apparatus |
4,525 | May 16, 1846 | A.W. Gray | Wrought-nail machinery | nail making machines |
15,693 | Sep. 09, 1856 | A.W. Gray | Link of horse-powers | animal powered apparatus |
RE1,322 | Jul. 01, 1862 | A.W. Gray | Improvement in horse-powers | animal powered apparatus |
133,773 | Dec. 10, 1872 | A.W. Gray | Improvement in machines for corrugating metal plates | |
141,268 | Jul. 29, 1873 | A.W. Gray | Improvement in links of endless chains for horse-powers | animal powered apparatus |
157,990 | Dec. 22, 1874 | A.W. Gray | Improvement in bolt or rod cutters | |
166,456 | Aug. 10, 1875 | A.W. Gray | Improvement in grain-separators | corn and grain separators |
227,765 | May 18, 1880 | A.Y. Gray, L. Gray | Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
CA-12,020 | Nov. 24, 1880 | A.Y. Gray, L. Gray | Improvements on Threshing Machines | cylinder tooth wrenches |
326,497 | Sep. 15, 1885 | A.Y. Gray, L. Gray | Governor | |
434,266 | Aug. 12, 1890 | L. Gray, A.Y. Gray | Brake for horse-powers or speed-regulators | animal powered apparatus |
448,957 | Mar. 24, 1891 | L. Gray, A.Y. Gray | Attachment for the separators of thrashing-machines | corn and grain separators |