Patents for Snap-On Technologies, Inc. |
Patents 1 -
of 44
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
5,551,322 | Sep. 03, 1996 | J.H. Hoff, F. Mikic | Speed Wrench | nut wrenches |
5,574,645 | Nov. 12, 1996 | R.A. Niemi, M.B. Meeker | Manifold Absolute Pressure Sensor Emulator | |
5,577,426 | Nov. 26, 1996 | F. Mikic, D.M. Eggert | Magnetic Bit Holder and Hand Tool Incorporating Same | screwdrivers |
5,580,137 | Dec. 03, 1996 | C.H. Heiligenthal, C.C. Jason, A. Kadlecek, J. Doan | Tool Box and One-Piece Bottom Panel Therefor | |
5,589,644 | Dec. 31, 1996 | D.J. Iwinski, R.J. Niesen, G.A. Putney, M.M. Crass, T.P. Becker | Torque-Angle Wrench | torque wrenches |
5,595,099 | Jan. 21, 1997 | D.S. Pusateri | Stress Reduced Pinned Anvil and Socket Tool | wrench components |
5,607,215 | Mar. 04, 1997 | C.H. Heiligenthal, L.D. Pacetti | Stackable Divided Drawer Partition | |
5,610,327 | Mar. 11, 1997 | M.M. Crass, M.A. Hoferitza, T.P. Becker | Knock Sensor-Triggered Timing Light with Visible Laser Retro-Reflecting Control | |
5,611,521 | Mar. 18, 1997 | F.W. Randle, D.D. Grover | Power Drive for Cable Tightener | |
5,634,359 | Jun. 03, 1997 | D.A. Huebschen | Removable Core Lock with Latch Alignment and Limited Latch Rotation | |
5,644,957 | Jul. 08, 1997 | J.H. Hoff, E.T. Gustafson | Adjustable Wrench with Worm Locking Mechanism | |
5,664,856 | Sep. 09, 1997 | L.D. Pacetti | Stackable Divided Drawer Partition | |
5,677,632 | Oct. 14, 1997 | M.B. Meeker | Automatic Calibration for a Capacitive Pickup Circuit | |
5,711,193 | Jan. 27, 1998 | C.D. Thompson, D.M. Eggert | Reversible Ratcheting Screwdriver with Improved Reversing Ring | |
5,713,251 | Feb. 03, 1998 | G. Ulics, D.J. Iwinski, G.A. Zurbuchen | Composite Box Wrench with Ratchet Module Insert | ratchet wrenches |