Patents for Snap-On, Inc. |
Patents 1 -
of 38
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
5,347,893 | Sep. 20, 1994 | J.H. Hoff, F. Mikic | Arcuate Tip Driver | |
5,351,002 | Sep. 27, 1994 | R.D. Braun, T.J. Alho, G.S. Wollert | Test Probe | |
5,369,863 | Dec. 06, 1994 | S.R. Wente, M.J. Hasenberg | Bicycle Crank Arm Puller | |
5,383,771 | Jan. 24, 1995 | R.D. De Rome, T.J. Diedrich, A.P. Ghode | Air Motor with Offset Front and Rear Exhausts | |
5,388,902 | Feb. 14, 1995 | K.C. Happ, D.A. Huebschen | Sliding Latch Mechanism for a Cabinet Drawer | |
5,394,773 | Mar. 07, 1995 | P.M. Machmeier, G.A. Zurbuchen | Composite Hand Tool | nut wrenches |
5,396,427 | Mar. 07, 1995 | C.F. Govekar, G.S. Wollert, R.D. Braun, J.R. Piehl | Method and Apparatus for Determining Relative Contributions of Individual Cylinders of Internal Combustion Engine | |
5,407,170 | Apr. 18, 1995 | C.H. Heiligenthal, R.J. Kirsch, G.R. Slivon | Lockable Equipment Hanger Assembly | |
5,408,905 | Apr. 25, 1995 | C.D. Thompson, F. Mikic | Tiltable Ball-Type Driver | |
5,412,312 | May 02, 1995 | R.D. Braun, M.M. Crass | Frequency and Instantaneous Voltage Level Meter | |
5,425,289 | Jun. 20, 1995 | D.J. Iwinski | Bung Tool | |
5,426,371 | Jun. 20, 1995 | R.D. Braun, P.A. Willems, R.D. Geisler, D.G. Thibedeau, T.P. Becker, S.S. Rameshk, G.E. Salley | Automatic Battery and Charging System Tester with Motor-Driven Carbon Pile Loading | |
D360,344 | Jul. 18, 1995 | C.D. Thompson, D.M. Eggert | Screwdriver Handle | screwdriver handles |
5,437,212 | Aug. 01, 1995 | J.R. Hoephl, C.D. Thompson | Ratcheting Screwdriver | screwdriver mechanisms |
5,443,311 | Aug. 22, 1995 | K.J. Laver, A. Kadlecek, J.A. Parise | Pull-Out Work Platform for Drawer | |