Patents for Snap-On Tools Corp. |
Patents 166 -
of 175
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
5,269,733 | Dec. 14, 1993 | P.M. Anthony | Power Tool Plastic Gear Train | |
5,271,300 | Dec. 21, 1993 | P.M. Machmeier, G.A. Zurbuchen | Composite Hand Tool | nut wrenches |
5,277,531 | Jan. 11, 1994 | B. Krivec | Device having socket with retention surfaces | |
5,284,245 | Feb. 08, 1994 | K.C. Happ, G.R. Slivon | Portable Socket Holder | |
5,292,191 | Mar. 08, 1994 | G.R. Slivon | Latch Mechanism for a Cabinet Drawer | |
5,295,423 | Mar. 22, 1994 | F. Mikic | Bit with Frictional Retention in Drive Socket | |
5,296,869 | Mar. 22, 1994 | J.C. Sniegowski, M.C. Putrow, J.R. Piehl, M.B. Meeker, C.F. Govekar, G.D. Jonker | Digital Engine Analyzer | |
5,309,714 | May 10, 1994 | K.C. Happ, G.A. Putney | Ratchet Tool with Exhaust Chamber Manifold with Sound Dampening Properties | |
5,335,418 | Aug. 09, 1994 | B. Krivec | Pivotal Hand Tool with Flexural Pivot Joint and Method of Assembling Same | |
D350,265 | Sep. 06, 1994 | R.H. Junkel, K.E. Mellits | Needle Nose Pliers | pliers |