Patents for Hoggson & Pettis Mfg. Co. |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
211,943 | Feb. 04, 1879 | W.L. Sweetland | Improvement in lathe-chucks | metal lathe chucks |
RE9,734 | May 31, 1881 | W.L. Sweetland | Lathe-chuck | metal lathe chucks |
262,772 | Aug. 15, 1882 | S.J. Hoggson, G.C. Pettis | Organ-stop knob | musical instruments |
428,890 | May 27, 1890 | J. Carr | Key Seat Ruler | rule attachments |
467,732 | Jan. 26, 1892 | J. Carr | Surface Gauge | surface gauges |
468,093 | Feb. 02, 1892 | J. Carr | Surface Gauge | surface gauges |
493,502 | Mar. 14, 1893 | W.J. Hoggson, E.P. Bement | Chuck | metal lathe chucks |
597,558 | Jan. 18, 1898 | J.A. Howarth | Chuck | metal lathe chucks |
629,236 | Jul. 18, 1899 | J. Carr | Tool Holder for Metal Working Machines | lathe tool holders and tool posts |