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Patents for Barnes Tool Co.
Patents 1 - 15 of 15
First set of recordsLast set of records
186,099Jan. 09, 1877E.F. BarnesPipe Tongs and Cutterpipe tongs
219,139Sep. 02, 1879E.F. BarnesImprovement in sawing-machinestablesaws
222,000Nov. 25, 1879G.A. BarnesImprovement in cartridge-capping implementscartridge tools
282,256Jul. 31, 1883E.F. BarnesImprovements in Pipe-Tongs and Wrench Combinedpipe tongs
282,435Jul. 31, 1883E.F. BarnesPipe Cutterpipe cutters
287,899Nov. 06, 1883E.F. BarnesPipe-cutterpipe cutters
301,080Jul. 01, 1884L.C. Strickland, E.F. BarnesOutside pipe-cutterpipe cutters
307,163Oct. 28, 1884G.A. Barnes, E.F. BarnesPipe Tongs or Wrenchpipe wrenches
331,603Dec. 01, 1885G.A. BarnesLathe-chuckmetal lathe chucks
338,695Mar. 30, 1886E.F. BarnesCutter-headcutterheads
339,813Apr. 13, 1886P. Ryan, J. RyanWrenchwrench handle components
404,377Jun. 04, 1889E.F. BarnesConvertible machine for grooving and sawing woodtablesaws
439,373Oct. 28, 1890E.F. BarnesTenoning-machinetenoning machines
448,195Mar. 17, 1891E.F. BarnesBoring attachment for sawing machinedrilling and boring
476,079May 31, 1892J. RyanWrenchwrench handle components
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