Patents for Western Electric Co. |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
605,154 | Jun. 07, 1898 | H.H. Wait | Instrument Winding Device | wire winding machines |
790,541 | May 23, 1905 | W.J. Warder, Jr. | Controller for electric motors | motor controls |
1,251,578 | Jan. 01, 1918 | W.E. Riecken | Shaping Machine | |
1,263,057 | Apr. 16, 1918 | J.T. Griffin | Mica Grinding Machine | |
1,380,686 | Jun. 07, 1921 | J.S. Stull | Cutter-head | cutterheads |
1,426,735 | Aug. 22, 1922 | C.E. Reddig, W.F. Hendry | Method and Apparatus for Recording Pressure | pressure indicators |
1,697,873 | Jan. 08, 1929 | H.E. Lambert | Material-working machine | circular crosscut saws |
1,752,487 | Apr. 01, 1930 | C.I. Hoag | Sawing machine | circular ripsaws |
2,217,501 | Oct. 08, 1940 | R.R. Teichner | Safety shield | bench or pedestal grinders |
2,790,647 | Apr. 30, 1957 | E.M. Liberty, L.J. Gorgol | Transverse Pin Tool Holder | drilling and boring tool holders |
2,848,787 | Aug. 26, 1958 | R.D. Berg | Burring Tool | deburring tools |