Patents for W. H. Nicholson & Co. |
Patents 1 -
of 14
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
CA-14,634 | Apr. 21, 1882 | W.H. Nicholson | Improvements in Expanding Mandrels | mandrels and arbors |
443,627 | Dec. 30, 1890 | W.H. Nicholson | Shaft-Coupling | industrial machine shaft couplings |
600,921 | Mar. 22, 1898 | R.O. Jones, W. Lloyd, J. Lloyd | Steam-Eliminator | steam and water separators |
677,458 | Jul. 02, 1901 | R.O. Jones, W. Lloyd, J. Lloyd | Steam-Eliminator | steam and water separators |
796,231 | Aug. 01, 1905 | W. Lloyd | Steam-Eliminator | steam and water separators |
796,854 | Aug. 08, 1905 | W.H. Nicholson | Shaft Coupling | industrial machine shaft couplings |
CA-94,789 | Aug. 22, 1905 | W.H. Nicholson | Shaft Coupling | industrial machine shaft couplings |
817,089 | Apr. 03, 1906 | W. Nicholson, Jr. | Tube-Expander | pipe and tube expanders |
835,111 | Nov. 06, 1906 | W. Nicholson, Jr. | Tapping Apparatus | tapping machines |
839,777 | Dec. 25, 1906 | S.T. Nicholson, J. Lloyd, W. Lloyd | Steam-eliminator | steam and water separators |
CA-151,489 | Nov. 04, 1913 | J.B. Armstrong | Trap Valve | steam and water separators |
1,080,507 | Dec. 02, 1913 | J.B. Armstrong | Trap-Valve Mechanism | steam and water separators |
1,302,833 | May 06, 1919 | W.C. Beiswinger, H.S. Nicholson | Steam-Trap | steam and water separators |
1,425,440 | Aug. 08, 1922 | R.F. Morgan, W.C. Beiswinger | Electrode Holder | welding |