Patents for Lidgerwood Mfg. Co. |
Patents 16 -
of 40
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
747,481 | Dec. 22, 1903 | H.L. Reynolds | Excavating-bucket | |
747,482 | Dec. 22, 1903 | H.L. Reynolds | Excavating-bucket | |
765,659 | Jul. 26, 1904 | H.N. Covell | Rope-drum engine | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
802,844 | Oct. 24, 1905 | C.A. Baechtold, H.N. Covell | Reversible driving device | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
806,117 | Dec. 05, 1905 | J.H. Dickinson | Hoisting and conveying device | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
810,445 | Jan. 23, 1906 | C.W. Tribken | Hoisting apparatus | sawmill log handling |
812,827 | Feb. 20, 1906 | H.N. Covell | Brake-band | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
815,963 | Mar. 27, 1906 | C.H. Locher | Conveying apparatus | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
816,640 | Apr. 03, 1906 | J. Butler | Logging apparatus | sawmill log handling |
854,957 | May 28, 1907 | C.L. Wachter, T.S. Miller | Rope fastening or button | rope tying devices |
878,482 | Feb. 04, 1908 | J.H. Dickinson, T.S. Miller | Hoisting and conveying device | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
887,869 | May 19, 1908 | E.D. Swan | Logging-machine | sawmill log handling |
909,768 | Jan. 12, 1909 | F. Donaldson | Winding-drum | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
914,756 | Mar. 09, 1909 | C. Saunders | Electrically-operated brake | hoists, winches, come-alongs |
921,286 | May 11, 1909 | C. Saunders | Hook | |