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Patents for Rockwell Mfg. Co.
Patents 61 - 75 of 151
First set of recordsPrevious set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
2,792,036May 14, 1957R.A. ButtkePlaner and attachments thereforwood planers
D180,437Jun. 11, 1957A.C. BurleighPortable rotary surface finishing machinehandheld power sanders
D180,708Jul. 30, 1957J.P. BruckPortable power operated saber sawhandheld power reciprocating saws
CA-544,355Jul. 30, 1957E.A. ReibigPower transmission mechanismmetal lathes
D180,815Aug. 20, 1957J.G. BentleyPortable power operated sawhandheld circular saws
2,804,107Aug. 27, 1957W.S. TaylorJointer table and raising and lowering mechanism thereofjointers
D180,929Sep. 10, 1957S.J. BurwellCut-off machine for metal stockmetal sawing machines
2,810,239Oct. 22, 1957A.C. BurleighHolder for abrasive diskhandheld power sanders
2,827,085Mar. 18, 1958W.F. OcenasekBand saw guides and guardsbandsaws
2,830,628Apr. 15, 1958Y. Tu, D.D. PettigrewMulti-speed drive for band saws and the likebandsaws
2,835,289May 20, 1958G.E. RockwellMulti-tool power driven wood working machinecombination machines
2,842,171Jul. 08, 1958E.B. Deuschle, W.D. WeikartSaber saw attachment for circular saw tablescrollsaws
2,861,536Nov. 25, 1958E.P. PolivkaLocking device for handwheel assemblymetal lathes
2,866,348Dec. 30, 1958D.D. Pettigrew, E.C. WarrickShifter for power transmissionmetal lathes
2,873,776Feb. 17, 1959R.A. ButtkePlaner and attachments thereforwood planers
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