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Patents for Rockwell Mfg. Co.
Patents 106 - 120 of 151
First set of recordsPrevious set of recordsNext set of recordsLast set of records
3,130,425Apr. 28, 1964H.K. KellyMethod of making cut nails from flat strip stocknails
3,146,628Sep. 01, 1964J.H. Diehl, E.C. Warrick, D.D. PettigrewPower tool and transmission therefordrill presses
3,156,127Nov. 10, 1964D.D. PettigrewVibration reducing device and methodmetalworking power transmission
3,177,977Apr. 13, 1965E.B. Deuschle, R.P. DeghueeBrake for radial arm saws or like machine toolsradial arm saws
3,205,622Sep. 14, 1965T.J. LevequeRotatable grinding and surfacing toolhandheld power sanders
3,206,860Sep. 21, 1965E.C. WarrickApparatus for setting jointer or like rotary head machine tool cutter blades and method of adjusting such bladescutterhead machine accessories
3,267,622Aug. 23, 1966L. FrostadAbrasive pad structure for portable sanding machinehandheld power sanders
3,269,466Aug. 30, 1966W.G. MitchellImpact toolimpact chisels and drills
3,287,859Nov. 29, 1966T.J. LevequeRotatable grinding and surfacing toolhandheld power sanders
3,292,673Dec. 20, 1966E.G. GregoryPower operated portable hand sawhandheld power tools
3,303,861Feb. 14, 1967R.A. KaneSaw structurehandheld power reciprocating saws
3,334,447Aug. 08, 1967T.J. LevequeSanding machinehandheld power sanders
3,334,448Aug. 08, 1967R.H. AlexanderSpindle lock for a power toolhandheld power sanders
3,334,669Aug. 08, 1967E.E. Berends, E.J. Niehaus, Jr.Radial arm sawradial arm saws
3,339,598Sep. 05, 1967L. FrostadSaw structureshandheld power reciprocating saws
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