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Patents for F. W. Spacke Machine Co.
Patents 1 - 9 of 9
First set of recordsLast set of records
593,034Nov. 02, 1897F.W. SpackeGas Enginegas and gasoline engines
1,099,520Jun. 09, 1914W. Spacke, D.T. Brownlee, F.W. SpackeChange-Speed Gearingspeed gearing and transmissions
1,102,675Jul. 07, 1914J.D. LoweInternal-Combustion Engineinternal combustion engine lubrication
1,102,700Jul. 07, 1914W. Spacke, D.T. Brownlee, F.W. SpackeInternal-Combustion Engineinternal combustion engine valves
1,108,265Aug. 25, 1914W. Spacke, D.T. Brownlee, F.W. SpackeInternal Combustion Engineinternal combustion engines
1,108,266Aug. 25, 1914W. SpackeInlet-Valve for Internal-Combustion Enginesinternal combustion engine valves
1,134,967Apr. 06, 1915J.D. Lowe, F.W. Spacke, D.T. BrownleeCompression Space Annex for Internal Combustion Enginevalve gear
1,136,376Apr. 20, 1915W. Spacke, D.T. Brownlee, F.W. SpackeCrank Shaftcrankshafts
1,156,863Oct. 12, 1915D.T. BrownleeGeared-Up Starterstarters
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