Patents for Gildemeister-Devlieg System-Werkzege, GmbH |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,242,018 | Dec. 30, 1980 | H. Schürfeld | Boring Tool | |
4,591,306 | May 27, 1986 | H. Schürfeld, W. Westerteicher | Peripheral Device for Machine Tools | metalworking machine mechanisms |
4,655,655 | Apr. 07, 1987 | H. Schürfeld | Tool and Workpiece Holding Arrangement for Material Removing Machining | insert tool holders |
5,492,441 | Feb. 20, 1996 | H. Schürfeld | Clamping Device for Connecting Machine Spindles With Tool Holders | tool changers and storage mechanisms |
5,716,169 | Feb. 10, 1998 | H. Schürfeld | Process and Device for Adjusting Reamers and the Like | reamers |