Patents for J. L. Sommer Manufacturing Co. |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
D42,305 | Mar. 12, 1912 | J.L. Sommer | Design for a Bottle-Opener | corkscrew accessories |
D45,678 | Apr. 28, 1914 | J.L. Sommer | Design For A Bottle Opener | combination cork extractors |
D46,298 | Aug. 18, 1914 | J.L. Sommer | Bottle Opener | |
D46,702 | Nov. 24, 1914 | T. Harding, J.L. Sommer | Combined Bottle Opener and Cake Turner | household |
D46,703 | Nov. 24, 1914 | J.L. Sommer | Eyeglass Screw Driver | screwdriver handles |
D54,142 | Nov. 04, 1919 | J.L. Sommer | Design for a Handle for a Screw Driver or Similar Article | screwdriver handles |
1,457,774 | Jun. 05, 1923 | B. Biehl, Sr., T. Harding | Can Opening Wrench | jar wrenches |
1,680,291 | Aug. 14, 1928 | T. Harding | Corkscrew | combination cork extractors |