All Patents in class 91/189R |
Patents 1 -
of 17
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
206,558 | Jul. 30, 1878 | W.H. Guild, Jr. | Valve Action of Duplex Engines and Pumps | steam engine valves |
RE9,857 | Sep. 06, 1881 | W.H. Guild, Jr. | Valve Action of Duplex Engines and Pumps | steam engine valves |
1,940,142 | Dec. 19, 1933 | R.W. Ott | Milling Machine | milling machines |
1,975,250 | Oct. 02, 1934 | A.J. Calpha, O.L. Craft | Hydraulic Feed Control Apparatus | metalworking machines |
2,009,487 | Jul. 30, 1935 | R. Thoreson, W. Ernst | Hydraulic Press | hydraulic presses |
2,021,388 | Nov. 19, 1935 | L.L. Schauer | Hydraulic arm translating means for radial drills | radial drill presses |
2,303,639 | Dec. 01, 1942 | R.D. Wortendyke, C. Herfurth | Grinding Machine | grinding machines |
2,360,671 | Oct. 17, 1944 | A.C. Janke, C.O. Graves, F.S. Haas | Surface Grinder | grinding machines |
2,511,821 | Jun. 13, 1950 | E.P. Bullard, III | Control Mechanism | machine tool controls |
2,632,482 | Mar. 24, 1953 | J.C. Lincoln | Apparatus for Bending Sinuous Wire Strips into Springs | spring making machines |
2,696,145 | Dec. 07, 1954 | H. Horlacher | Machine Tool Control Mechanism | metalworking machine mechanisms |
2,882,760 | Apr. 21, 1959 | L.A. Leifer | Infinitey Variable Incremental Feed Control | metalworking speed changing mechanisms |
2,960,951 | Nov. 22, 1960 | C. Blerman, Jr. | Spinning Machine | metal spinning machines |
3,016,804 | Jan. 16, 1962 | J.G. Osburn, F. Zankl | Program Control System | milling machines |
3,077,132 | Feb. 12, 1963 | C.H. Whitmore | Feed control for band saws | metal cutting bandsaws |