All Patents in class 83/630 |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,277 | Apr. 03, 1849 | S. Kendall | Punching-machine | metal punching machines |
101,356 | Mar. 29, 1870 | H. Richardson, E. Doty | Improved machine for shearing metal | metal shearing machines |
117,987 | Aug. 15, 1871 | T.L. Cornell, S. Whitlock | Improvement in scroll-saws | scrollsaws |
1,007,792 | Nov. 07, 1911 | F. Orton | Press | stamping presses |
1,884,336 | Oct. 25, 1932 | R.W. Stanley | Veneer Clipping Machine | veneer machines |
3,181,408 | May 04, 1965 | J.A. Richards, Sr. | Reciprocating tool actuated by toggle joint means | tool and die maker |