All Patents in class 83/594 |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
230,766 | Aug. 03, 1880 | R.J. Gardner | Drag-sawing machine | drag saws |
500,972 | Jul. 04, 1893 | V. Stein | Table saw fence for making pockets in window stiles | tablesaws |
955,113 | Apr. 12, 1910 | H. Bilgram | Continuous-cigarette-cutting machine | tobacco machinery |
2,106,288 | Jan. 25, 1938 | H.E. Tautz | Circular saw apparatus | tablesaws |
2,612,192 | Sep. 30, 1952 | J.C. Ryan | Machine for planing and jointing | jointers |
2,613,699 | Oct. 14, 1952 | G.C. Dudek | Ripsaw table having a hinged section | tablesaws |