All Patents in class 83/564 |
Patents 1 -
of 13
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
7,837X | Nov. 19, 1833 | J. Shaw | Straw cutter | hay or straw cutters |
8,552X | Dec. 23, 1834 | J. Moore | Straw cutter | hay or straw cutters |
13,174 | Jul. 03, 1855 | M.G. Hubbard | Method of hanging plane-stocks and their mouthpieces | wood planers |
42,616 | May 03, 1864 | W. Wright | Improved machine for boring curved cylinders | drilling and boring |
136,979 | Mar. 18, 1873 | B.F. Dunklee | Improvement in circular-saw benches | tablesaws |
238,743 | Mar. 08, 1881 | S. Wright | Barrel-forming machine | barrel making machines |
327,842 | Oct. 06, 1885 | J.T. West | Flooring-machine | matchers |
525,211 | Aug. 28, 1894 | W.W. Holmes | Shop-saw | metal sawing machines |
1,083,006 | Dec. 30, 1913 | G.F. De Wein | Trimmer-saw | circular crosscut saws |
1,672,238 | Jun. 05, 1928 | J.D. Wallace, C.H. Landis | Electric handsaw | handheld circular saws |
2,090,508 | Aug. 17, 1937 | G. Davenport, W.F. Zimmermann | Electric Tool Lifter for Shapers | metal shapers |
2,765,820 | Oct. 09, 1956 | R.E. Perkins | Supporting frame for electric hand saws | circular saws |
3,169,433 | Feb. 16, 1965 | B.B. Stockard, Jr. | Metal working machine | |