All Patents in class 83/508.2 |
Patents 1 -
of 33
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
8,347X | Aug. 08, 1834 | T. Blanchard | Circular sawmill | sawmills |
14,379 | Mar. 04, 1856 | A.L. Whitley | Method of adjusting circular saws | circular sawmills |
16,424 | Jan. 13, 1857 | G.F. Wright | Method of mounting and guiding circular saws | circular sawmills |
16,643 | Feb. 17, 1857 | A.P. Gross | Device for allowing circular saws to play laterally independently of their shafts | circular sawmills |
16,655 | Feb. 17, 1857 | W.S. Reeder | Device to allow circular saws end play independent of the driving shaft | circular sawmills |
17,346 | May 19, 1857 | H.R. Wolfe | Device for allowing play to the arbors of circular saws | circular sawmills |
18,942 | Dec. 22, 1857 | M.M. Wombaugh, A.C. Martin | Method of governing the cut of circular sawing machinery | circular sawmills |
20,870 | Jul. 13, 1858 | P. Engmann, H. Featherstone | Sawing machine | circular sawmills |
31,202 | Jan. 22, 1861 | W.H. Auld | Circular sawing machine | circular sawmills |
41,877 | Mar. 08, 1864 | L. Vance | Improvement in sawmills | circular sawmills |
54,673 | May 15, 1866 | M.M. Bishop | Improvement in sawmills | circular sawmills |
102,653 | May 03, 1870 | H. Broomell, A.W. Wilson | Improvement in saw | sawblades |
RE4,763 | Feb. 20, 1872 | J.P. Grosvenor | Improvement in circular-saw mills | tablesaws |
132,337 | Oct. 15, 1872 | H. Vogler | Improvement in pile-sawing attachments for boats | circular saws |
160,348 | Mar. 02, 1875 | L.W. Pond | Improvement in saw-mills | circular sawmills |