All Patents in class 83/443 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
18,402 | Oct. 13, 1857 | T. Miles | Device for guiding the logs in sawing given curvatures | sawmills |
197,465 | Nov. 27, 1877 | R.E. Gleason | Improvement in log-turners | sawmill log handling |
263,957 | Sep. 05, 1882 | T.R. McDonald, F. Reinhart | Circular sawing machine | circular crosscut saws |
272,996 | Feb. 27, 1883 | W. Bowker, R. Williams | Machinery for sawing barrel-hoops from poles | bandsaws |
273,000 | Feb. 27, 1883 | J. Wrigley | Feed-table gage for curved work | bandsaw accessories |
348,149 | Aug. 24, 1886 | W. Bowker | Hoop-sawing machine | hoop making machines |
1,040,987 | Oct. 08, 1912 | C. Holly | Machine for forming Paper Blanks | |
2,016,689 | Oct. 08, 1935 | W. Gumprich, T.H. Strachan | Slicing machine | |
2,872,957 | Feb. 10, 1959 | W.A. Eschenburg | Table and fence adjusting means for a jointer | jointers |