All Patents in class 83/267 |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
22,567 | Jan. 11, 1859 | A.B. McCans | Machine for sawing shingles from the bolt | shingle machines |
31,232 | Jan. 29, 1861 | A.F. French | Machine for sawing shingles from the block | shingle machines |
83,513 | Oct. 27, 1868 | H. Law | Improvement in machines for cutting paper | |
253,778 | Feb. 14, 1882 | H.R. Sillman | Machine for making spools, &c. | spool or bobbin machines |
374,573 | Dec. 13, 1887 | E. Bechtel | Portable sawing-machine | circular sawmills |
591,702 | Oct. 12, 1897 | O. Smith | Press | metalworking presses |