All Patents in class 82/165 |
Patents 1 -
of 136
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,342 | Sep. 25, 1839 | J.B. Bellemere | Mode of Squaring and Finishing the Heads of Bolts, Nut and Other Plain Similar Surfaces | lathe tools |
10,585 | Feb. 28, 1854 | J. Zook | Carrier for Lathes | metal lathe chucks |
60,169 | Dec. 04, 1866 | C.O. Gardiner | Centering and Squaring Device | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
78,954 | Jun. 16, 1868 | J. Gibbons | Turning Cotton Gin Rings | lathe tools |
99,269 | Jan. 25, 1870 | J.B. West | Improved lathe-dog | wood lathes |
109,079 | Nov. 08, 1870 | A.J. Truxell | Chuck and Lathe Dog | lathe dogs |
113,776 | Apr. 18, 1871 | G.B. Kirkham | Treadle | human powered apparatus |
122,768 | Jan. 16, 1872 | G. Hunzikee | Improved Watchmakers Lathes | watchmakers lathes |
137,298 | Apr. 01, 1873 | F. Ferrin | Carriers for Lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
138,394 | Apr. 29, 1873 | G.A. Gray, Jr. | Machines for Turning Pulleys | pulley turning lathes |
143,458 | Oct. 07, 1873 | J.M. Oram | Watchmakers' Lathes | watchmakers lathes |
162,913 | May 04, 1875 | E.J. Granger | Improvement in compound chucks for veneer-cutting machines | wood lathes |
171,259 | Dec. 21, 1875 | S.L. Beebe, E.A. Beebe | Improvement in lathes for turning stone | wood lathes |
172,134 | Jan. 11, 1876 | G.G. Lobdell | Improvement in lathes for turning wheels and axles | car wheel lathes |
175,159 | Mar. 21, 1876 | T.S. Poole | Lathe for Turning Rolls | metal lathe chucks |