All Patents in class 82/12882 |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,085,710 | Feb. 03, 1914 | L. Parks, J.A. Behrends, J.C. Tyler | Machine for Truing Locomotive Driving Wheels | portable turning tools |
1,464,760 | Aug. 14, 1923 | T.J. Hadden | Axle Truing Machine | axle cutters and threaders |
1,466,881 | Sep. 04, 1923 | A.E. Johnson | Crank Shaft Turning Device | portable turning tools |
1,468,127 | Sep. 18, 1923 | W.S. Peterson | Ring Turning Device | commutator dressing machines |
1,637,330 | Aug. 02, 1927 | E.F. Richardson, F.M. A'Hearn | Wheel Machining Apparatus | portable turning tools |