All Patents in class 82/117 |
Patents 1 -
of 166
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,000 | Jan. 02, 1849 | A.S. Macomber | Turning-lathe | wood lathes |
9,961 | Aug. 23, 1853 | L.A. Walbach | Boring cannon | drilling and boring |
21,088 | Aug. 03, 1858 | D.N. Smith | Turning Lathe | metal lathes |
27,370 | Mar. 06, 1860 | J.W. Lyon | Machine for Finishing Plugs for Stop Cocks | metal lathes |
27,478 | Mar. 13, 1860 | W. Sellers | Turning Lathe | metal lathe chucks |
37,384 | Jan. 13, 1863 | J.C. Chapman | Boring and Squaring Off Cylinders | metalworking machine mechanisms |
38,385 | May 05, 1863 | W. Hamilton | Turning Axle Boxes | axle lathes |
49,139 | Aug. 01, 1865 | H.H. Abbe, W.H. Nichols | Improved Lathe for Turning Heads of Nail, Tacks, etc. | metal lathes |
60,259 | Dec. 04, 1866 | R. Safely | Turning Machine | metal lathes |
72,148 | Dec. 10, 1867 | A. Wood | Improved Lathe for Turning Shafting | metal lathes |
73,830 | Jan. 28, 1868 | W. Payton | Turning Curved Forms | metal lathes |
74,609 | Feb. 18, 1868 | W. Sellers | Lathe for Turning Iron | engine lathes |
106,404 | Aug. 16, 1870 | P.H. Pitts | Turning Lathe | screwcutting lathes |
124,647 | Mar. 12, 1872 | J. Wheelock | Improvement in Boring-Mills | drilling and boring |
142,912 | Sep. 16, 1873 | J.W. Hill | Improvement in machines for turning wheels | wood lathes |