All Patents in class 81/124.3 |
Patents 1 -
of 59
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
61,504 | Jan. 29, 1867 | W.S. Bartle | Beadstead Fastening | wrenches |
64,662 | May 14, 1867 | W.D. Gold | Combined Hammer, Screw-Driver and Wrench | combination tools |
66,643 | Jul. 09, 1867 | O. Shepard | Boot Jack | combination tools |
83,654 | Nov. 03, 1868 | F.L. Oliver | Wrench | axle nut wrenches |
86,802 | Feb. 09, 1869 | W. Baxter | Handle for Taps, Augers, Drills, Etc. | wrenches |
150,180 | Apr. 28, 1874 | E.L. Morris | Improvement in vises | bench vises |
151,635 | Jun. 02, 1874 | P.J. Hoffliger, W.P. Uhlinger | Wrenches | socket wrenches |
167,368 | Aug. 31, 1875 | G.W. Waitt | Improvement in Pipe-Wrenches | pipe wrenches |
172,277 | Jan. 18, 1876 | D.W. Norris | Tool | combination tools |
184,775 | Nov. 28, 1876 | W.M. Gray | Improvement in Bed-Key Hammers | wrench combination tools |
284,521 | Sep. 04, 1883 | T.L. Whitacre | Wrench For Wagon Axle Nuts | axle nut wrenches |
333,667 | Jan. 05, 1886 | R.B. Poole | Clamp | clamps |
347,262 | Aug. 10, 1886 | A. Wood | Wrench | ratchet wrenches |
432,323 | Jul. 15, 1890 | W.H. Musham | Combined Hose-Strap, Belt, Spanner, and Plug-Wrench | combination tools |
496,595 | May 02, 1893 | H.S. Zook, J.K. Byler | Carriage Wrench | axle nut wrenches |