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All Patents in class 76/48
Patents 1 - 15 of 18
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42,124Mar. 29, 1864L.B. SouthworthImprovement in jointing and burring sawssaw sharpening machines
75,188Mar. 03, 1868W.B. NoyesImprovement in saw-jointersaw jointers
179,500Jul. 04, 1876E. AndrewsImprovement in saw-sharpening machinessaw sharpening machines
207,919Sep. 10, 1878W.H. WalshGin Saw Sharpenersaw sharpening machines
269,654Dec. 26, 1882A.B. FisherDevice for Squaring, Rounding, and Filing Circular Saws
321,376Jun. 30, 1885W. LyonMachine for swaging and jointing sawssaw swages
334,730Jan. 19, 1886C. SchochMachine for Jointing and Dressing Circular Sawssaw sharpening machines
343,203Jun. 08, 1886K. ShivesDevice for jointing circular sawssaw jointers
353,659Dec. 07, 1886G.S. BlackDevice for jointing the teeth of saws
359,134Mar. 08, 1887M. CovelDevice for swaging and jointing sawssaw jointers
422,323Feb. 25, 1890J.W. StrouseApparatus for truing the periphery of circular sawstool making machines
440,163Nov. 11, 1890D.W. KarshnerSaw Jointercircular saw accessories
502,319Aug. 01, 1893J.B. RhodesSaw-gummersaw gummers
857,438Jun. 18, 1907W. BrysonSharpening and Jointing Tool for Crosscut Sawsaw gauges
948,197Feb. 01, 1910A.E. WhiteSaw-swagesaw swages
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