All Patents in class 74/821 |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,942,927 | Jan. 09, 1934 | C.O. Holland, A.M. Johnson | Hydraulically actuated indexing mechanism | indexers and dividers |
2,330,968 | Oct. 05, 1943 | H.J. Siekmann, W.F. Groene | Multiple Spindle Broaching Lathe Indexing Mechanism | metalworking machine mechanisms |
2,481,383 | Sep. 06, 1949 | T. Foster, S.A. Brandenburg, C.A. Bickel | Machine tool | multiple spindle lathes |
2,934,978 | May 03, 1960 | M.R. Estabrook | Positioning system for machine tools | |
2,956,454 | Oct. 18, 1960 | J.A. Hansen | Index Mechanism for a Combination Machine Tool | milling machine accessories |
3,031,902 | May 01, 1962 | J.A. Hansen, C.A. Parske | Index Mechanism | milling machines |
3,412,633 | Nov. 26, 1968 | E.J. Huntley | Indexing mechanism | indexers and dividers |
3,653,282 | Apr. 04, 1972 | C.A. Nielsen, R.D. Bouffiou | Power Tool Turret Assembly | metalworking machine mechanisms |