All Patents in class 74/74 |
Patents 1 -
of 15
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
319,430 | Jun. 02, 1885 | C. Snedekum | brace or drill with alternating rotation | |
900,144 | Oct. 06, 1908 | J.W. Havens, D. Barnes | Combination Tool | breast drills |
930,472 | Aug. 10, 1909 | F.I. Harding | Valve Grinder | valve grinding tools |
942,222 | Dec. 07, 1909 | I.C. Smith | Valve Grinder | valve grinding tools |
1,015,902 | Jan. 30, 1912 | N.E. Meredith | Valve Grinder | valve grinding tools |
1,017,242 | Feb. 13, 1912 | A.B. Browne | Combined Breast Drill and Valve Grinder | combination tools |
1,102,581 | Jul. 07, 1914 | O.D. Hapgood | Valve Grinder | valve grinding tools |
1,161,070 | Nov. 23, 1915 | H.M. Neer | Valve Grinder | valve grinding tools |
1,282,018 | Oct. 22, 1918 | F.O. Albertson | Valve Grinder | valve grinding tools |
1,326,190 | Dec. 30, 1919 | A.D. Goodwin | Operating Means For Valve Grinding Tools | valve grinding tools |
1,353,902 | Sep. 28, 1920 | C.W. Herberger | Driving Mechanism For Grinding Tools | valve grinding tools |
1,421,486 | Jul. 04, 1922 | E.R. Jones | Operating Device For Valve Grinders | valve grinding tools |
1,441,032 | Jan. 02, 1923 | J.W. Schab | Valve Grinder | valve grinding tools |
1,483,721 | Feb. 12, 1924 | D.F. Dunham | Valve grinder | handheld power tool accessories |
1,707,572 | Apr. 02, 1929 | L.G. Roller | Valve Grinder | valve grinding tools |