All Patents in class 74/528 |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
447,607 | Mar. 03, 1891 | W. Gleason | Safety Attachment for Lathes | metal lathe accessories and attachments |
1,185,000 | May 30, 1916 | G.F. Reinhard | Friction-gearing for lathes | wood lathes |
1,581,927 | Apr. 20, 1926 | G.L. Kollock | Two-speed gearing for electric drill | handheld power drills |
1,685,310 | Sep. 25, 1928 | G.W. Drake, E.P. Burrell | Contolling Lever for Machine Tools | metalworking machine mechanisms |
1,825,719 | Oct. 06, 1931 | S. Einstein | Control Mechanism | machine tool controls |
2,319,480 | May 18, 1943 | E. Guetzkow, R.E. Saving | Adjustable Micrometer Dial | milling machines |