All Patents in class 74/162 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,819 | Oct. 21, 1846 | N. Compton | Feeding apparatus for sawmills | sawmill headblocks |
93,847 | Aug. 17, 1869 | A. Whitcomb | Planing Metals | metal planers |
192,576 | Jul. 03, 1877 | H. Gawley | Improvement in set-gears for saw-mills | sawmill set works |
261,815 | Jul. 25, 1882 | C.D. Jenney, J.A. Jenney | Electric-arc lamp | electric arc lamps |
300,734 | Jun. 17, 1884 | G.H. Preston | Device for changing speed | industrial machine mechanisms |
351,733 | Nov. 02, 1886 | H.H. Bridenthal | Road Engine | steam traction engines |
380,692 | Apr. 10, 1888 | F.E. Norton, L.W. Pond | Metal Planing Machine | metal planers |
916,028 | Mar. 23, 1909 | H.R. Scheidler | Set Gear for Sawmills | sawmill set works |
2,227,397 | Dec. 31, 1940 | M.B. Lucker | Jack | automobile and truck jacks |