All Patents in class 72/82 |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
7,836 | Dec. 17, 1850 | J.F. Flanders | Machinery for Cutting and Binding Sheet Metal | sheet metal |
54,621 | May 08, 1866 | C.F. Spaulding | Improved Machine for Spinning Metal | metal spinning machines |
RE3,996 | May 24, 1870 | H.W. Hayden | Making Brass Kettles | metal spinning machines |
128,118 | Jun. 18, 1872 | A.G. Coes | Improvement in Machines for Forming Wrench-Bar Heads | tool making machines |
181,009 | Aug. 15, 1876 | I.M. Potter, J.M. Buffinton | Tools for the Manufacture of Studs, &c. | jeweler |
238,535 | Mar. 08, 1881 | M.W. Shapley | Machine for flanging circular plates | boilermaker |
427,930 | May 13, 1890 | T. Suchland | Clutch for Holding Disks | metal lathe chucks |
3,127,861 | Apr. 07, 1964 | R.A. Paulton | Metal Spinning Machine | metal spinning machines |