All Patents in class 72/464 |
Patents 1 -
of 10
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
7,242 | Apr. 02, 1850 | D. Hicks | Attachment of the Forge-Hammer to its Helve | trip and helve hammers |
31,927 | Apr. 02, 1861 | L. Dodge | Shear for the manufacture of axes | tool making machines |
62,174 | Feb. 19, 1867 | L. Wetherell | Making Metal Tools | ball pein hammers |
70,997 | Nov. 19, 1867 | H. Hammond | Improvement in Making Elongated Sockets In Hammers and Other Tools | hammers |
70,998 | Nov. 19, 1867 | H. Hammond | Improved Dies for Forming the Claws of Hammers | hammers |
136,391 | Mar. 04, 1873 | S.A. Smith | Improvement in Dies for Manufacturing Augers | making drills and augers |
196,917 | Nov. 06, 1877 | D. Maydole | Improvement in dies for forging adz-eye tools | tool making |
314,845 | Mar. 31, 1885 | J.U. Hubbard | Die for forming ax-poll clips | making axes |
325,689 | Sep. 08, 1885 | G.H. Meade | Anvil for rivet-setting machines | riveting machines |
408,497 | Aug. 06, 1889 | J.A. Marsell | Die for the Manufacture of Augers | making drills and augers |