All Patents in class 72/401 |
Patents 1 -
of 5
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
28,565 | Jun. 05, 1860 | T.S. Disston | Machine for making tabs for crosscut saws | tool maker |
71,605 | Dec. 03, 1867 | W.T. Gillinder | Forming Threads on Sheet Metal Caps | taps and dies |
252,853 | Jan. 24, 1882 | A.R. Woodyatt | Machine for bending and shaping metal articles | metal bending machines |
660,719 | Oct. 30, 1900 | E.G. Budd | Die for forming sheet metal | industrial machine pulleys and belt drive mechanisms |
1,550,962 | Aug. 25, 1925 | T.S. Hose | Die for forging claw hammers | making hammers |