All Patents in class 72/371 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,305 | Apr. 10, 1849 | N.C. Sanford, L.B. Smith | Machine for regulating the twist and diameter of screw-augers | tool making machines |
13,780 | Nov. 13, 1855 | R. Cook | Dies for Making Cook's Bits | making drills and augers |
75,182 | Mar. 03, 1868 | J. Mix | Improvement in Manufacturing Gimlets | making drills and augers |
189,265 | Apr. 03, 1877 | J.C. Richardson | Improvement in Gimlets and Twist-Drills | making drills and augers |
208,862 | Oct. 08, 1878 | J. Swan | Improvement in the Manufacture of Auger-Bits | making drills and augers |
240,984 | May 03, 1881 | T.P. Farmer | Art of Manufacturing Twist Drills | making drills and augers |
315,530 | Apr. 14, 1885 | S. Moore | Manufacture of Drills | making drills and augers |
341,084 | May 04, 1886 | F.E. Whitney | Manufacture of Twist-Drills | making drills and augers |
392,119 | Oct. 30, 1888 | M. Hardsocg | Method of Twisting Augers | making drills and augers |