All Patents in class 72/358 |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
45,103 | Nov. 15, 1864 | M. Wells | Machine for making sheet-metal ware | stamping presses |
51,421 | Dec. 12, 1865 | M. Bray | Improvement in machinery for forming sheet-metal ware | punch presses |
179,281 | Jun. 27, 1876 | H. Dinning | Pliers for Securing Eyelet-Hooks in Leather | pliers |
183,797 | Oct. 31, 1876 | L. Chapman | Machines for Punching and Swaging Metal | metal punching machines |
291,253 | Jan. 01, 1884 | F.C. Williams | Machine for Spinning Metals | metal spinning machines |
556,060 | Mar. 10, 1896 | F.H. La Pierre | Die and Die Holder | taps and dies |
869,874 | Nov. 05, 1907 | W.A. Bernard | Revolving Eyeletting Tool | pliers |
1,595,588 | Aug. 10, 1926 | W.L. Tuttle | Method and Apparatus for Making Wrench Sockets | making wrenches |
2,035,187 | Mar. 24, 1936 | O. Olson | Cream Separator Disk Indenting Tool | separators |
2,347,272 | Apr. 25, 1944 | W.F. Longfield | Sheet metal working press | stamping presses |
6,390,929 | May 21, 2002 | J.L. Hyatt | Method for Making Drive Sockets | making wrenches |