All Patents in class 72/352 |
Patents 1 -
of 6
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
10,720 | Apr. 04, 1854 | S. Andrews | Drop and die forging and punching machine | drop hammers |
123,554 | Feb. 13, 1872 | L. Chapman | Improvment in the Manufacture of Wrench-Heads | tool making machines |
225,745 | Mar. 23, 1880 | L. Chapman | Dies For Forming Wrench-Heads | wrench jaw components |
312,445 | Feb. 17, 1885 | A. Hegler, P. Drais | Device For Ringing Hogs | hog ring |
378,251 | Feb. 21, 1888 | C.H. Irwin | Die for Making Auger-Bits | making drills and augers |
2,744,315 | May 08, 1956 | R.P. Fitzgerald | Method and apparatus for die-forging articles from blanks of normally rigid material | drop hammers |