All Patents in class 72/179 |
Patents 1 -
of 13
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
6,618X | Jul. 20, 1831 | E.M. Converse | Machinery for Manufacturing Tin Ware | sheet metal |
8,311X | Jul. 12, 1834 | H. Mills | Manufacturing plates for gun barrels | gunsmith |
70,917 | Nov. 12, 1867 | O.W. Stow | Improved Machine for Flanging and Wiring Metallic Plates | tinsmith |
244,250 | Jul. 12, 1881 | W.W. Jones | Machine for making rims for metal vessels | sheet metal flanging machines |
327,173 | Sep. 29, 1885 | E.M. Jewett | Stave-bending machine | barrel making machines |
471,407 | Mar. 22, 1892 | W.C. Westaway | Machine for Rolling Sheet Metal into Curved Forms | sheet metal bending machines |
547,750 | Oct. 08, 1895 | M.A. Clennam | Metal Cutting and Folding Machine | sheet metal |
642,612 | Feb. 06, 1900 | F.J. Kleber, L.P. Kleber | Machine for Making Articles of Sheet Metal | stamping presses |
1,091,161 | Mar. 24, 1914 | C.T. Pratt | Producing armored cable | |
1,486,977 | Mar. 18, 1924 | B.J. Lindgren | Corrugating machine | |
1,585,696 | May 25, 1926 | H.C. Smith | Roll | sheet metal bending machines |
1,588,817 | Jun. 15, 1926 | H.C. Smith | Bending Machine | sheet metal bending machines |
1,774,155 | Aug. 26, 1930 | L.S. Platou | Sheet Metal Working Machine | sheet metal |