All Patents in class 7/164 |
Patents 1 -
of 39
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
79,346 | Jun. 30, 1868 | W.W. Coggshall, P.C. Havely | Improvement in Hammers | hammers |
105,210 | Jul. 12, 1870 | E. Horton | Clapboard Gauge | clapboard markers |
114,665 | May 09, 1871 | T. Garrick | Improvement in Household Implements | combination tools |
117,677 | Aug. 01, 1871 | D. Pfouts | Improvement in File Handles | |
126,544 | May 07, 1872 | D. Heaton | Combination Tool | combination tools |
132,908 | Nov. 12, 1872 | D. Heaton | Improvement in combination tools | hammers |
147,113 | Feb. 03, 1874 | N.K. Ellsworth | Tools | combination tools |
152,934 | Jul. 14, 1874 | F.W. White | Violin Tuning Tool | musical instrument tools |
201,599 | Mar. 26, 1878 | G.R. Drew | Improvement in Combined Rule, Square, and Comb | rules |
228,027 | May 25, 1880 | D. Bissell | Bevel Square | bevels |
233,545 | Oct. 19, 1880 | S. Prévost | Combined Setting Rule and Bodkin | rules |
246,419 | Aug. 30, 1881 | O.G. Rombotis | Combination Tool | combination tools |
311,481 | Feb. 03, 1885 | W. Golden | Saw Fitting Tool | |
318,920 | May 26, 1885 | A.E. Lytle | Combination Tool | combination tools |
363,331 | May 17, 1887 | W.J. Hammer | Combination Tool | combination tools |