All Patents in class 7/151 |
Patents 1 -
of 12
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
28,208 | May 08, 1860 | D. Snedeker | Tool for Opening Barrels | hammers |
41,925 | Mar. 15, 1864 | W.M. Keague | Improvement in tools for opening boxes | combination tools |
297,658 | Apr. 29, 1884 | J.W. Boardman, B.A. Bacon | Stopper Pulling Pliers | pliers |
319,645 | Jun. 09, 1885 | A. Van Slyke | Combined Jar Wrench and Can Opener | jar wrenches |
763,352 | Jun. 28, 1904 | W.W. Barton | Hand Tool | pipe tongs |
810,984 | Jan. 30, 1906 | W.C. Smith | Tool For Operating Upon Jar Covers | jar wrenches |
1,906,454 | May 02, 1933 | W.S. Elters | Culinary Tongs | combination cork extractors |
2,000,962 | May 14, 1935 | F.K. Krag | Can Or Jar Opener | can and jar openers |
2,230,376 | Feb. 04, 1941 | E. Cullen | Household Appliance | |
D158,957 | Jun. 13, 1950 | R. Petrillo, J.A. Haberkorn | Bottle Opener | |
D159,533 | Aug. 01, 1950 | J. Przybyla | Bar Tool | jar wrenches |
D161,321 | Dec. 26, 1950 | L.V. De Fee | Combination Bottle Opener, Screw Driver, and Lid Opener | combination tools |