All Patents in class 7/119 |
Patents 1 -
of 7
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
77,121 | Apr. 21, 1868 | O.B. Steele | Improvement in combined rule and pocket knife | |
170,934 | Dec. 14, 1875 | P. Broadbooks | Improvement in Combined Implements | combination tools |
208,654 | Oct. 01, 1878 | D. Frank, G. Waldman | Improvement in Combined Knife and Measuring Rule | rules |
586,849 | Jul. 20, 1897 | B. Ibelli | Combination Tool | combination tools |
632,792 | Sep. 12, 1899 | J.A. Schmidt | Pocket Knife | pliers |
728,861 | May 26, 1903 | W. Carman | Knife Construction | knives and cutters |
900,339 | Oct. 06, 1908 | W.B. Woodruff | Tool Handle | tool handles |