All Patents in class 477/19 |
Patents 1 -
of 11
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
1,563,546 | Dec. 01, 1925 | C. Bouillon | Electric Motor Driven Change Speed Device | industrial machine speed and direction changing mechanisms |
1,611,042 | Dec. 14, 1926 | M.K. Akers, H.L. Johnston | Variable-speed mechanism | |
2,331,695 | Oct. 12, 1943 | G.H. Johnson | Transmission and Control Mechanism | metal lathes |
2,486,254 | Oct. 25, 1949 | T.S. Briskin, J.C. Zivny | Control mechanism for electrically driven tools | handheld power drills |
2,545,053 | Mar. 13, 1951 | G.J. Kasselmann, H.J. Siekmann | Lathe Transmission and Control Mechanism | metalworking machine mechanisms |
2,554,721 | May 29, 1951 | G.J. Kasselmann, H.J. Siekmann | Dial Indicating Mechanism | metalworking machine mechanisms |
2,788,675 | Apr. 16, 1957 | E.E. Hosea | Preselect Automatic Change Speed Gear Shift | metalworking speed changing mechanisms |
2,816,454 | Dec. 17, 1957 | A.T. Godschalx, E.E. Hosea | Positioning Means for Machine Tools | metalworking machine mechanisms |
2,928,290 | Mar. 15, 1960 | A.T. Godschalx, E.E. Hosea | Hydraulic Gear Shifting Control | hydraulic apparatus |
3,109,319 | Nov. 05, 1963 | G.L. Pierce | Back gear control for lathe drive | metal lathes |
3,150,537 | Sep. 29, 1964 | O. Hermann | Method and Apparatus for Automatically Shifting Gears | metalworking machine mechanisms |