All Patents in class 476/67 |
Patents 1 -
of 9
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
43,387 | Jul. 05, 1864 | H. Blandy, F.J. Blandy | Improvement in pump-gear | feedwater apparatus |
125,676 | Apr. 16, 1872 | W. Heckeet | Improvement in Devices for Changing Speed and Reversing Motion of Planing and Other Analogous Machines | metal planers |
193,737 | Jul. 31, 1877 | L. Walker | Traction Engines | steam traction engines |
266,003 | Oct. 17, 1882 | G.H. Zschech | Saw-mill feed mechanism | sawmill feed works |
609,809 | Aug. 30, 1898 | T.D. Hollick | Gearing for transmission of power | industrial machine mechanisms |
736,235 | Aug. 11, 1903 | W.W. Dingee | Pump for Portable Engines and the Like | steam pumps |
2,814,206 | Nov. 26, 1957 | J.F. Kopczynski | Ultra high speed bearings | metalworking machine bearings |
2,850,338 | Sep. 02, 1958 | J.F. Kopczynski | High speed bearing | metalworking machine bearings |
3,122,932 | Mar. 03, 1964 | J.F. Kopczynski | Machine tool | grinding attachments |