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All Patents in class 470/167
Patents 1 - 15 of 18
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140,780Jul. 15, 1873G.B. Jaycox, A. WebsterScrew-Cutting Machinesscrew machines
166,490Aug. 10, 1875S.L. WorsleyMachine for Tapping Nutsnut or bolt making machines
195,321Sep. 18, 1877S.L. WorsleyNut-Tapping Machinenut or bolt making machines
537,719Apr. 16, 1895C.P. RussellPost Drilldrill presses
975,728Nov. 15, 1910O.A. SmithNut Feed for Tapping Machine
1,254,709Jan. 29, 1918O. Anderson, D. LevingerTapping Machine
1,690,541Nov. 06, 1928A.R. KuzelewskiFluid or air controlling and operating device for machine tools or the likemetalworking machine mechanisms
1,732,558Oct. 22, 1929A.M. JohnsonAutomatic facing tool for drilling machines and the likenut or bolt making machines
1,732,559Oct. 22, 1929A.M. JohnsonMachine-tool feednut or bolt making machines
1,746,266Feb. 11, 1930D.C. KlausmeyerSpindle Feeding Meansmetalworking machine mechanisms
1,796,790Mar. 17, 1931E.S. IngrahamAttachment for automatic screw machines
1,955,775Apr. 24, 1934B.P. SchiltzApparatus for handling work piecesmetalworking machines
2,329,587Sep. 14, 1943E.P. Bullard, F.H. MusslerAttachment for Machine Tools
2,356,100Aug. 15, 1944H.C. TangowskiNut tapping machinetapping machines
2,587,352Feb. 26, 1952S.F. ManningThread-cutting machine having rapid traverse plus positive controlled feed
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