All Patents in class 470/10 |
Patents 1 -
of 8
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
4,548 | May 30, 1846 | T.W. Harvey | Making Wood Screws | screw machines |
5,794 | Sep. 19, 1848 | J. Crum | Machine for Making Wood Screws | screw machines |
311,099 | Jan. 20, 1885 | E.P. Baville | Machine for Threading Screws Bolts and Nuts | metal threading machines |
479,175 | Jul. 19, 1892 | C.D. Rogers | Wood Screw and Method of Making the Same | screws |
596,750 | Jan. 04, 1898 | J. Hartness | Screw Cutting Attachment | turret lathes |
679,927 | Aug. 06, 1901 | W.A. Warman | Method of Making Screws | |
877,157 | Jan. 21, 1908 | W.G. Allen | Manufacture of wood-screws | screws |
960,244 | Jun. 07, 1910 | W.G. Allen | Manufacture of Screws | |