All Patents in class 451/239 |
Patents 1 -
of 55
Number | Date | Patentee | Title | Type |
39,755 | Sep. 01, 1863 | A. Schwitter | Improvement in engine-turning machines | ornamental lathes |
42,691 | May 10, 1864 | A. Schwitter | Improvement in rose-engines | ornamental lathes |
76,301 | Apr. 07, 1868 | E. Carrington, E.O. Carrington | Improvement in Machine for Grinding and Cutting Down Augers | making drills and augers |
286,663 | Oct. 16, 1883 | H.F. Wheeler | Grinding Machine for Producing the Relief on Twist and Fluted Drills | tool grinders |
330,890 | Nov. 24, 1885 | J.M. Gilbert | Polishing mechanism for turning-lathes | sanding machines |
397,888 | Feb. 19, 1889 | S.T. Barras | Profile-cutting machine | |
422,663 | Mar. 04, 1890 | C.H. Trask | Milling-machine | milling machines |
460,497 | Sep. 29, 1891 | J.S. Bancroft | Tool Grinding Machine | tool grinders |
543,647 | Jul. 30, 1895 | C.H. Benjamin, C.W. Glidden | Grinding Machine | shoe and boot making machines |
544,288 | Aug. 13, 1895 | H.W. Cole | Lathe for irregular shapes | pattern lathes |
544,891 | Aug. 20, 1895 | W.F. Gilman | Lathe for turning lasts, &c. | pattern lathes |
624,882 | May 09, 1899 | F. Unkrich | Spoke-finishing machine | wheelwright |
679,611 | Jul. 30, 1901 | G.A. Ensign | Spoke-finishing machine | belt sanders |
880,965 | Mar. 03, 1908 | J.T. Brantley | Sandpaper-machine | belt sanders |
904,817 | Nov. 24, 1908 | F. Stutzman | Universal grinding-machine | bench or pedestal grinders |